- Program-specific audits: how to upload the Audit report PDF
- Program-specific audits: how to complete the Audit Information form
- Where can I find the Tribal Data Sharing Consent form?
- How do I resubmit my record at the GSA FAC?
- Can I submit an Alternative Compliance Examination (ACEE) audit?
- Why is my workbook failing to validate?
- Why did I not receive an email notification during the submission process?
- How do I remove a draft submission?
- I cannot upload my audit. It tells me it did not pass the criteria, or was not the correct file type.
- What constitutes a Major Program?
- If there are no Prior Audit Findings, is a schedule still required?
- In the Type(s) of Compliance Requirement(s) field in the Findings workbook, do I enter all the types of compliance requirements, or only the primary type of compliance requirement?
- How do I report a finding not related to an award or ALN number (e.g. financial statement finding)?
- How do I request an extension on the due date?